
Bulgarian Consecutive InterpretingDayAsk(1)
Bulgarian Simultaneous InterpretingDayAsk(1)
Simultaneous Interpreting Booth and EquipmentDayAsk
Whispered InterpretingDayAsk
Bulgarian TranslationWordAsk
Bulgarian EditingHourAsk(2)
Bulgarian ProofreadingHourAsk
Bulgarian Presentation Translation (*.PPTX)SlideAsk
Bulgarian SubtitlingMinuteAsk
How to speak with interpreting in mindConsultationAsk

(1) According to AIIC standards, one day of interpretation is 6 interpreting hours, divided by a lunch break of minimum 1 hour and 2 coffee breaks of 30 minutes each. Interpreting is carried our by a team of two interpreters per booth.

Working in the night hours, on holidays (including Saturday and Sunday) comes at additional cost.

(2) Editing a text translated by a professional human translator, not machine translation.

Please see our translation and interpreting Terms and Conditions.